The enchanting region of New England is known for its idyllic and charming atmosphere. The best way to experience the charm of this land is to visit the small towns of New England.

Wandering around these small towns is like opening a time capsule. These idyllic places are a far-cry from the bustling cities, filled with quaint streets lined with historic colonial architecture, with smiling, welcoming communities standing on their porches.

But if you’re not sure what are the most charming towns to visit in New England, here are some of our favorites that you cannot miss.

Plymouth, Massachusetts

Plymouth is considered the birthplace of America’s pilgrim story and offers a glimpse into the country’s early beginnings. Iconic landmarks such as the Mayflower II and Plymouth Rock tell of the towns history, where the pilgrims first set foot on American soil.

Burlington, Vermont

Immerse yourself in Burlington’s past at the Pilgrim Hall Museum, which showcases artifacts from the Revolutionary War era. Don’t miss Battery Park, a historic site that served as a defensive position during the War of 1812.

Bar Harbor, Maine

Explore historic sites like the Bar Harbor Historical Society and the iconic Bar Harbor Inn, or take a scenic drive along the picturesque Park Loop Road in Acadia National Park.

Merrimack, New Hampshire

If you’re planning a romantic getaway in New England, then you have to include the small town of Merrimack, simply because of all of the breweries (both beer and wine) in the area.

Camden, Maine

You can learn about the town’s past by visiting the Camden-Rockport Historical Society and exploring exhibits that showcase the everyday life of Maine families in the 18th and 19th centuries.

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