Western Australia is full of incredible landscapes, but perhaps one of the most special is the ancient limestone formations known as The Pinnacles.

These rock formations are another example of how extraordinarily beautiful this state is.

But if you’re thinking of visiting the Pinnacles in Western Australia but not sure how, here is everything you need to know…

Where are The Pinnacles Desert?

The Pinnacles Desert in Western Australia is located in the Nambung National Park just 193 km north of Perth along the Indian Ocean Drive.

To get to The Pinnacles from Perth, you will need to drive 191 km North via State Route 60, which takes roughly 2 hours.

What Are The Pinnacles?

The Pinnacles in Western Australia are weathered rock spires rise out of yellow sand dunes with some standing as high as five metres.

They are geological formations were formed approximately 25,000 years ago after the sea receded and left deposits of sea shells.

Who found The Pinnacles?

The exact time when the Pinnacles were discovered is still up for debate. The earliest records mentioning the Pinnacles state they were found by Dutch explorers in the 1650s.

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