Africa is a wild and diverse continent that promises nothing short of adventure. It’s the second largest continent, made up of 54 countries, and presents travelers with a host of wonderful experiences, as well as a few challenges.

We explored East and South Africa on a five-month backpacking adventure, and found there were many forms of transport to explore the continent with.

Getting Around East and South Africa

Here are the main ways to get around Africa.

Guided Tour

For those travellers who feels a little intimidated about backpacking Africa independently, or a short on time and want to be spared the hassle, there are organized overland safari tours that make traveling in Africa easy.

Baz Bus

The Baz Bus is a hop on, hop off style transportation company organized to help backpackers and travelers get around South Africa in comfort.

Public Buses

Public buses (USD$3-$32) are usually taken for longer journeys and across borders where there is a good network of sealed roads. The buses are generally comfortable, safe and spacious.

Mini Vans

Mini-vans are a very cheap way to get around, and are usually taken for up to 6 hour journeys within a country (usually around USD$1-$10).

Pick Ups

Pickups are cheap (usually not much more than USD$2) and tend to go a lot slower, traveling more on the smaller rural or village roads. I appreciated pickup travel a lot more than mini vans.

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